... to see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour... ~William Blake
Monday, December 5, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
so i sit here in my room after the exam in the morning, taking a break before preparing for the next exam on Friday, can't help but feel like i need to write you
it's been a year...wow like u said it last nite, it seems like only yesterday we got to know each other, there's so much that happened within the year. U came back earlier from your south-east asian tour after the exams, you came back from Germany after completing your exams and did internship at Huawei, I was thinking how amazing it is that we had this special special relationship that took me by surprise, and every time you came to me in physical form (I mean it as a joke, you are more than just a physical form to me of course ;) ) i always can't help but marvel at your beauty and smile, the kindness, care and love that your every move seem to exude, I'm in love with love, because you showed me how to love...
I'm the luckiest guy on earth to call you my girlfriend, I'm the happiest guy on Earth to have known u, I'm also the most desperate guy on Earth now to want to visit you in your home town, I can't wait to see you and the place you grow up, the home that made you so amazingly beautiful and sweet, I can't wait to meet your parents and let you show me your world, hallo Germany, the Singaporean boy comes next Summer..to seek his love
i love you helen, like more than words could describe, if the chance for us to meet is destined, and that seems to be the only way for us to meet, fatefully, I would like to cherish this special love and let it be known that you are everything that inspires me, I wish to inhale you and breath you in, my body wishes to be with you so bad that I may hallucinate at times, I wish to make love to you so tender and passionately that time would cease...i miss you darling
on this day 23rd nov, it'll be always endeared and remembered, when fate presented me with the most precious gift, the life of helen my love...
ich liebe dich helen, immer und immer, till death do us apart...
it's been a year...wow like u said it last nite, it seems like only yesterday we got to know each other, there's so much that happened within the year. U came back earlier from your south-east asian tour after the exams, you came back from Germany after completing your exams and did internship at Huawei, I was thinking how amazing it is that we had this special special relationship that took me by surprise, and every time you came to me in physical form (I mean it as a joke, you are more than just a physical form to me of course ;) ) i always can't help but marvel at your beauty and smile, the kindness, care and love that your every move seem to exude, I'm in love with love, because you showed me how to love...
I'm the luckiest guy on earth to call you my girlfriend, I'm the happiest guy on Earth to have known u, I'm also the most desperate guy on Earth now to want to visit you in your home town, I can't wait to see you and the place you grow up, the home that made you so amazingly beautiful and sweet, I can't wait to meet your parents and let you show me your world, hallo Germany, the Singaporean boy comes next Summer..to seek his love
i love you helen, like more than words could describe, if the chance for us to meet is destined, and that seems to be the only way for us to meet, fatefully, I would like to cherish this special love and let it be known that you are everything that inspires me, I wish to inhale you and breath you in, my body wishes to be with you so bad that I may hallucinate at times, I wish to make love to you so tender and passionately that time would cease...i miss you darling
on this day 23rd nov, it'll be always endeared and remembered, when fate presented me with the most precious gift, the life of helen my love...
ich liebe dich helen, immer und immer, till death do us apart...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
wir gehören zusammen den du bist meine große liebe
ohne dich, weiß ich nicht wie ich die kurve kriege
wenn es mir schlecht geht oder du nicht da bist
vermiss ich dich so sehr weil du für mich mein star bist
und ich weiß du bist da wenn ich dich brauch
es wird mir klar ich hab die schönste aller frauen
und du bleibst in meinem herzen egal was auch geschiet
ich tuh alles für dich ich bin der typ der dich liebt
also gib mir, deine hand und lass uns weiter gehn
mach dich bereit den es wird noch ein langer weg
ich will solange wie möglich mit dir zusammen sein
den die zeit mit dir ist schön wie ein sonnenschein
und ich gib dir meine liebe ja ich zeig es dir
damit die ganze welt weiß und jeder es kapiert
das ich nur dich will weil du einfach klasse bist
ich könnte niemals zu dir sagen ey ich hasse dich
den die liebe zu dir, ist unglaublich stark
hör mir zu was ich sag
2x Hook:
Wir gehören zusammen
den meine seele schreit nach dir
und ich hab so große angst
dich jemals zu verlieren
und ich zeig es dir weil du für mich die eins bist
und wenn ich sag du bist ein traum ist es kein witz
den ich weiß es das ich dir vertrauen kann
weil du mir liebe zeigst und das schon von anfang an
ich bin so glücklich den ich hab dich bei mir
und meine größte angst ist es, dich zu verlieren
doch ich weiß es wird nie passieren
unsere liebe ist magie, ich bin fasziniert
und baby glaub mir, ich liebe dich so sehr
ohne dich fällt das laufen mir schwer
damals hat ich kribbeln im bauch
heute bist du bei mir ja du bist meine frau
und ich gib dir meine liebe ja ich zeig es dir
damit die ganze welt weiß und jeder es kapiert
das ich nur dich will weil du einfach klasse bist
ich könnte niemals zu dir sagen ey ich hasse dich
den die liebe zu dir, ist unglaublich stark
hör mir zu was ich sag
4x Hook:
Wir gehören zusammen
den meine seele schreit nach dir
und ich hab so große angst
dich jemals zu verlieren
wir gehören zusammen den du bist meine große liebe
ohne dich, weiß ich nicht wie ich die kurve kriege
wenn es mir schlecht geht oder du nicht da bist
vermiss ich dich so sehr weil du für mich mein star bist
und ich weiß du bist da wenn ich dich brauch
es wird mir klar ich hab die schönste aller frauen
und du bleibst in meinem herzen egal was auch geschiet
ich tuh alles für dich ich bin der typ der dich liebt
also gib mir, deine hand und lass uns weiter gehn
mach dich bereit den es wird noch ein langer weg
ich will solange wie möglich mit dir zusammen sein
den die zeit mit dir ist schön wie ein sonnenschein
und ich gib dir meine liebe ja ich zeig es dir
damit die ganze welt weiß und jeder es kapiert
das ich nur dich will weil du einfach klasse bist
ich könnte niemals zu dir sagen ey ich hasse dich
den die liebe zu dir, ist unglaublich stark
hör mir zu was ich sag
2x Hook:
Wir gehören zusammen
den meine seele schreit nach dir
und ich hab so große angst
dich jemals zu verlieren
und ich zeig es dir weil du für mich die eins bist
und wenn ich sag du bist ein traum ist es kein witz
den ich weiß es das ich dir vertrauen kann
weil du mir liebe zeigst und das schon von anfang an
ich bin so glücklich den ich hab dich bei mir
und meine größte angst ist es, dich zu verlieren
doch ich weiß es wird nie passieren
unsere liebe ist magie, ich bin fasziniert
und baby glaub mir, ich liebe dich so sehr
ohne dich fällt das laufen mir schwer
damals hat ich kribbeln im bauch
heute bist du bei mir ja du bist meine frau
und ich gib dir meine liebe ja ich zeig es dir
damit die ganze welt weiß und jeder es kapiert
das ich nur dich will weil du einfach klasse bist
ich könnte niemals zu dir sagen ey ich hasse dich
den die liebe zu dir, ist unglaublich stark
hör mir zu was ich sag
4x Hook:
Wir gehören zusammen
den meine seele schreit nach dir
und ich hab so große angst
dich jemals zu verlieren
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Can you believe this? I am being nice to my family and bring them good food from Singapore and what do they do? They ate the laksa yesterday. Without me. but i bet it was not as good as the one that we ate together. I love you.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
"Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men - At my age I need a steady, quiet life - can that be so in our connection? Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together - Be calm - love me - today - yesterday - what tearful longings for you - you - you - my life - my all - farewell. Oh continue to love me - never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
Ever thine
Ever mine
Ever ours"
Ever thine
Ever mine
Ever ours"
from Sex n the City 2
- Mr. Big to Carrie Bradshaw
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
hi baby, thinking of you as i study again in the reading room...it rained for the first time in a week, showers of blessing that cooled the Earth. Woke up in a jolly mood, try to get some past year exam questions done so I can seek my tutor later for consultation. It's going to be a good day, wish you all the best in the day and just popping in to say I love you, Helen you are the best that ever happened to me, no matter what happens with the internship, I'll have us in prayer and let God take the wheel, of course I wish to see you as much as possible, but if after Jason tries very hard and may not work out...it's alright. I wouldn't want you to worry yourself too much, i hope in the event of things may turn out great but always shall we prepare for the worst...I love you (:
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” | |
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
gossip girl meets country music
hey, i saw this movie this week and i just wanted to share with you my favorite gossip girl, leighton meester, singing in the movie country strong.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
just came to say hello
it's 4 weeks to my first exam paper, slightly nervous now because i feel this semester just flew past, time really flew so quickly, it seems so long ago that i waved goodbye to u as i watched u enter the departure gates at Changi Airport, now it seems so real that you r returning...it feels me with so much emotions i find it difficult to put it into words..i miss u n found it so amusing that i still amaze myself everyday, knowing that i have met a special girl like you, it brings a smile to my face, and i can't help but smile everyday...i feel silly smiling suddenly everyday but also pretty much in love with this feeling..ich habe mich in dich verliebt...
there's much to learn and prepare for the exams coming my way, at the same time i know that you are doing your bachelor thesis too, helen please do take care of yourself, sleep and rest well, drink plenty of water, stay healthy, exercise regularly and most importantly remember to pray, for God will see us through alles. I love u and will be forever grateful that God sent a special love into my life that's an angel disguised as helen ;)...kuss
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
When I first got the mail that you made a post, I thought for a second, that you uploaded one of the songs I like to listen to these days, because the title is "Still" as well. It is really sad, but beautiful, so here it is:
I try to translate it for you:
so silent, that everyone of us knew, this is forever
forever and a life
and it was so silent that everyone of us guessed, for this, there is no word that could ever describe the feeling.
so silent, that every clocks kept quiet
yes, the time stood still
so silent and lost you went away
so silent and lost you went away
I heard so much and still it never really reaches me
that's the reason why I cannot sleep at night
even if i write a thousand songs about missing you
that does not mean that i understand why this feeling stays forever
so loud the hours after the hit, when it came to getting and understanding all of this
and it was so loud that everything we thought brought nothing to us ecxept for emptiness.
it was so loud and lost here,
when silent lived with us instead of you.
I heard so much and still it never really reaches me
that's the reason why I cannot sleep at night
even if i write a thousand songs about missing you
that does not mean that i understand why this feeling stays forever.
So silent, even if i miss you everyday
and whereever you are
you show me that silence has become your friend
I heard so much and still it never really reaches me
that's the reason why I cannot sleep at night
even if i write a thousand songs about missing you
that does not mean that i understand why this feeling stays forever
I try to translate it for you:
so silent, that everyone of us knew, this is forever
forever and a life
and it was so silent that everyone of us guessed, for this, there is no word that could ever describe the feeling.
so silent, that every clocks kept quiet
yes, the time stood still
so silent and lost you went away
so silent and lost you went away
I heard so much and still it never really reaches me
that's the reason why I cannot sleep at night
even if i write a thousand songs about missing you
that does not mean that i understand why this feeling stays forever
so loud the hours after the hit, when it came to getting and understanding all of this
and it was so loud that everything we thought brought nothing to us ecxept for emptiness.
it was so loud and lost here,
when silent lived with us instead of you.
I heard so much and still it never really reaches me
that's the reason why I cannot sleep at night
even if i write a thousand songs about missing you
that does not mean that i understand why this feeling stays forever.
So silent, even if i miss you everyday
and whereever you are
you show me that silence has become your friend
I heard so much and still it never really reaches me
that's the reason why I cannot sleep at night
even if i write a thousand songs about missing you
that does not mean that i understand why this feeling stays forever
Hide me now
Under Your wings
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/h/hillsong_united/still.html ]
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are king over the flood
I will be still and know You are God
Under Your wings
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/h/hillsong_united/still.html ]
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are king over the flood
I will be still and know You are God
this is my favourite song to worship the Lord...may the lyrics give us strength to seek Him and His ways always..love
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Song vol.3
Here is a song that I heard at the 80's/90's party this weekend. it made me think of you and smile, so here it is. I hope it will make you smile, too.
(It really seems like every song on youtube is not available in my country, well as losng as it works for you...)
(It really seems like every song on youtube is not available in my country, well as losng as it works for you...)
Monday, February 21, 2011
week 5 of school today, and it felt so long, the hours getting longer in lecture and it's getting harder to wake up in time for lesson...the enthusiasm for class is dying down and i asked myself why...i'm exhausting myself, too much fun, sports and not enough time for studies...life is a struggle no doubt, but i need to stay clear of distractions and focus on the important tasks at hand...wish you are here could make it better (:
there's 3 project oriented modules this semester so the amount of time spent on doing projects and meeting is also very long indeed, i need to learn how to better manage my time and get things done efficiently and quickly. wish you all the best in your applications and preparation for G-mat (: it's going to be 3 months together but i feel like it's already longer than that..i hope all's well for you and that you too seek the Lord in everything you do babe (:
May God keep us and bless us in our walk with Him!
there's 3 project oriented modules this semester so the amount of time spent on doing projects and meeting is also very long indeed, i need to learn how to better manage my time and get things done efficiently and quickly. wish you all the best in your applications and preparation for G-mat (: it's going to be 3 months together but i feel like it's already longer than that..i hope all's well for you and that you too seek the Lord in everything you do babe (:
May God keep us and bless us in our walk with Him!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Love song
Do you remember? This song was playing when we were on our ride to the airport, made me happy and sad at the same time at that moment. I love you. (Hope it is right, it is not playing in my country again.)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Another lovesong
More or less, I guess. Maybe it is not the typical kind of lovesong, but there is a story behind it. when you asked me out the first time, I started listening to this song when i was thinking of you. Because you made me feel special and I was hoping that you would feel the same for me, that i was feeling for you.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Happiest girl in the world
I am the happiest girl in the world becuase i have the best boyfriend ever! Thank you again for making my Valentine's Day very special.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Love songs
I just thought that i would like to share some of my favorite love songs with you.
Let's listen to this one first.
Let's listen to this one first.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
gratitude- it's what i felt when i saw ur post (: it's like simply thanksgiving to the Lord's provision for the love in our lives...it put a smile on my face but send a shot of joyful ecstasy through my body knowing that God's guiding our relationship, reminding us to be thankful for the people and love in our lives...I feel blessed to read your post honey (:
i love you helen for who you are, the uncertainty and distance is just a test, we should continue to seek the Lord and ask for His guidance, with the Lord guiding us in our journey of life, there's no fear of going astray, for i trust Him in good times and bad.
hope your dinner went great, today i'm getting a haircut to keep it neat and short...i'll probably go for an evening run too if the weather's good (: and spend the rest of the day doing laboratory reports and tutorials...weekends are meant for catching up (:
i love you helen for who you are, the uncertainty and distance is just a test, we should continue to seek the Lord and ask for His guidance, with the Lord guiding us in our journey of life, there's no fear of going astray, for i trust Him in good times and bad.
hope your dinner went great, today i'm getting a haircut to keep it neat and short...i'll probably go for an evening run too if the weather's good (: and spend the rest of the day doing laboratory reports and tutorials...weekends are meant for catching up (:
Feelings ... are complicated
Today, I had one of these days, when I just feel sad. Do you know these days? It's the day where you have not much to do, stay in the room, and nothing happens. I am always a bit angry with myself on these days because I feel stupid for feeling the way I feel. I mean, I really have a good life, in fact, it is pretty awesome. I have a family that I love a lot and that loves you, very good friends, that get everybody is healthy, we have more than enough to eat, and then, still feeling a bit new, I have you.
I know that far distance is far from being perfect and on depressive days like today, I might shed a tear or two, but then starts the catharsis. Therefore I hope, I did not give you the wrong impression, with the song link, I did send you. I am not sad (most of the time ;)).
I am someone who likes to think about what I have, how bad it could be and to be thankful for that. Imagining that I would not have you in my life, I understand, that would be a reason to be sad. But I am still a realistic person. Nothing in life is granted. But when I think about this and about how much worse it could be, I realize, no matter where our way takes us, I am very happy that we met and that we are trying. And that is, why I am very happy. I smile now, lying here. And the more unrealistic, romantic voice inside of me, tells me we will always find our ways to each other, cause you are the love of my life. My smile intesifies.
I know that far distance is far from being perfect and on depressive days like today, I might shed a tear or two, but then starts the catharsis. Therefore I hope, I did not give you the wrong impression, with the song link, I did send you. I am not sad (most of the time ;)).
I am someone who likes to think about what I have, how bad it could be and to be thankful for that. Imagining that I would not have you in my life, I understand, that would be a reason to be sad. But I am still a realistic person. Nothing in life is granted. But when I think about this and about how much worse it could be, I realize, no matter where our way takes us, I am very happy that we met and that we are trying. And that is, why I am very happy. I smile now, lying here. And the more unrealistic, romantic voice inside of me, tells me we will always find our ways to each other, cause you are the love of my life. My smile intesifies.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Happy Clownface
Since I guess that you must ber very very tired today, I thought I could send you something to make you happy. And what is better when it comes to making people happy than clowns. So I send you your own personal clown.
P.S. That clown really loves you and especially when you smile :)
P.S. That clown really loves you and especially when you smile :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Sightseeing Heisterbacherrott
The Catholic Church St. Judas Thaddäus
The Protestant Emmaus-Church
The historic hotel, restaurant and museum:
Haus Schlesien
The little St. Nikolaus Chapel which is located right next to the little lake (really tiny)
And this is our house. I lived here between the age of 1 an 19. Then i moved out and went to university, but i still come her on weekends and semester breaks.
The Protestant Emmaus-Church
The historic hotel, restaurant and museum:
Haus Schlesien
The little St. Nikolaus Chapel which is located right next to the little lake (really tiny)
And this is our house. I lived here between the age of 1 an 19. Then i moved out and went to university, but i still come her on weekends and semester breaks.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
tomorrow's the second week of school, knowing that it's the second week make me realize how fast time flies...soon we'll meet again. the coming thursday would be the first day of Chinese New Year, the biggest festival in Singapore and over the world, mainly because of the large Chinese community and the growing influence of chinese culture globally...it feels even more significant because today it makes me feel closer to u when i imagine us celebrating Chinese new year together in the near future and Christmas and all the other seasonal holidays (: it's sweet thinking about that and i can't wait. i love u helen, u mean the world to me and all the festival and seasonal changes are nothing without u experiencing it with me (:
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Crazy Germans
Here are a few pictures from my orchestra performance on Saturday. Was a nice evening and I had lots of fund seeing some people again after a long time.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Bonjour my love, how r u today? i dreamt of u last nite, making sweet liebe...it felt so real, i woke up shaking...must be your seduction last nite before i sleep (or refuse to sleep) i love u helen (:
the day will start soon except that i'm currently still mesmerized about the dream and part of me still want to relive it because it's the only dimension i could do things with you, it's insane, it drives me nuts...but i want to stay in that sweet sweet dream and never wake up...hahaha
school's starting on monday and there's a sense of urgency as i feel time flying really fast...like a 4 weeks holidays feel barely enough for me to catch my breath,so before i get pulled into whirlpool of time, i want to share with you: the best thing that happened during this holiday was that you came back from Asia tour...the best thing that happened to me last semester was to meet you, the best thing that happened last year was to love you..kuss
the day will start soon except that i'm currently still mesmerized about the dream and part of me still want to relive it because it's the only dimension i could do things with you, it's insane, it drives me nuts...but i want to stay in that sweet sweet dream and never wake up...hahaha
school's starting on monday and there's a sense of urgency as i feel time flying really fast...like a 4 weeks holidays feel barely enough for me to catch my breath,so before i get pulled into whirlpool of time, i want to share with you: the best thing that happened during this holiday was that you came back from Asia tour...the best thing that happened to me last semester was to meet you, the best thing that happened last year was to love you..kuss
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The kiss
In my room in Mannheim I have this poster of a kissing couple that i would like to share with you. I know it is brummagen (is that the right word?, i found it in the dictionary), but I guess, when you are in love you just like these kinds of things. At least I do.
I don't know, but you just make me so happy, even now. I mean long distant really is somehow annoying, because I yould love to just be in your arms, but at the same time I feel like eventhough you are physically so far away from me, you feel somehow very close. Maybe it's because you are in my thoughts all day and right now, I have most social contact to you over skype.
I just want to let you know, that you make me the happiest girl in the world by loving me.
I love you.
I don't know, but you just make me so happy, even now. I mean long distant really is somehow annoying, because I yould love to just be in your arms, but at the same time I feel like eventhough you are physically so far away from me, you feel somehow very close. Maybe it's because you are in my thoughts all day and right now, I have most social contact to you over skype.
I just want to let you know, that you make me the happiest girl in the world by loving me.
I love you.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
purpose in life
I wake up in the morning today feeling like i need to do some thing productive, look through my skype and hotmail , there's no new notification about you or from you, then moving on to morning shower to wake myself up, check my results again so that it finally sinks in that the grades were real, (leider) and i need to work hard for the new semester because i feel i've let myself down (once again), then look through edventure to download the latest notes and tutorials which i promise myself will start soon (which i really need to but don't get it on till sch starts)...procrastination always gets me back...i'm beginning to sound like a nag..lol
the rest of the day consist of events in the following order, lunch with my man-date from last nite, water-polo training in the SRC pool later from 3-5pm, finishing up on my music theory exams (like finally) get started on my floor plan sketches to redesign the wall along the corridor outside the reading room (project that i'm working on now to create a photo-gallery, sort of "memory lane") as i'm typing this i'm sitting comfortably in the JCRC office where we met and i passed u the hall 14 T-shirt rmb? haha..i'm really beginning to sound like a nag...too sentimental for my own good...
tomorrow i'm going to try wake up at 6am, that means tonight sleeping at 11pm, to get my lazy body back to school-mode...i'm doing this for myself and i need to remember to pray everyday and begin each day like it's going to be my last..as the saying goes "start each day with the end in mind and you won't waste the day away" so i'm going to begin everyday praying for my love ones, thanking God for givingmy life, begin each day wishing you could be here with me, begin each day with renewed energy to take on the day with fervor and enthusiasm, live each day being kind to everyone and myself, go to sleep at the end of the day knowing i've done God's will, knowing i've spent a great day glorifying Christ and loving the people around me, thanking God for His gift of life (:
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